Dr. Ekta Narula, Indian Dentist - Crowns, Bridges, Root Canal, Braces, Teeth Whitening, Smile Design, Veneer, Implants 's Dental Care Clinic

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Implants! A permanent solution to tooth loss

These days many people who suffer from tooth loss fear the idea of wearing dentures and bridges. The main problem with the dentures is the stability factor and some unrealistic expectations of the patients who wear them. Bridges also need regular check ups with the dentist and patients need to follow meticulous hygiene to maintain them and ensure a good dental health. Now we have implants - A permanent substitute to a tooth.

Reasons of getting implants?

People need implants because of teeth which have been missing for a number of years. The reason of the tooth loss could be cavities in the teeth which make them grossly decayed and the patient has to go for the removal of the teeth or it could be due to underlying gum diseases like periodontitis. It is important for the underlying gums and bone to be disease free before you go for the placemen of an implant.

Can everybody go in for an implant?

A dental implant is placed by an oral surgeon or a periodontist. It is normally a two sitting procedure where the surgeon will place the implant in the first sitting and the crown will be placed by the prosthodontist in the second sitting.

Not all patients are good subjects for dental implants. The patient who has a history of tobacco smoking,diabetes or a weak bone pattern(like osteoporotic bone) may not be suitable for dental implants. So before going in for an implant the dentist will get the necessary blood tests done to look for any disease x-rays like an OPG or dentascan are quite useful as they can detect the exact amount of bone required to hold the implant. If there is any deficiency in the bone then there are many bone augmentation procedures and bone grafts that can be placed and that will support the implant. After these bone grafting procedures  6-12 months are required before placing the implant to allow the healing of  the bone. The exact length and thickness of the implant to be given can also be determined.

How are implants placed?

Implant surgery is usually carried out under local anaesthesia in which case your mouth and the area around your mouth will be numb but you will stay awake. In some cases, sedation may be available; this relieves anxiety and causes temporary relaxation without putting you to sleep. For some patients, the procedure may be carried out under general anaesthesia which means that you will be asleep throughout the procedure and will feel no pain.

An incision is made on the gum where the implant needs to be placed. A drill is used to make a hole in the bone. The implant is then placed in that hole securely until it fits snugly. Once it has been placed the gums are sutured.After one week the sutures are removed.

Sometimes the dentist can attch the implant on the same day and mostly you need to wait for a period of 3-6 months for the bone to fuse with the implant completely. For this period a temporary bridge can be given as the bone heals.

In the second sitting implant site is again opened under local anaesthesia and the prosthetic part or crown or artificial tooth is placed onto it. The dentist makes sure that it is comfortable,natural and looks similar to the natural teeth.

Do implants fail?

There may be many reasons for the implants to fail but they are very less likely. If done properly and if the patient follows the dentists instructions meticulously the chances for it to fail are barely minimal.

The implants could fail due to:

Unhealthy Bone: Lack of healthy bone will inhibit the implant to bond with the bone and it can be detected in the second sitting of the implant placement where the implant will just rotate

Smoking: Iit interferes with the blood circulation that is required for the bone to heal and the implant doesn't fuse with the bone

Infection around the implant: This could happen if proper sterilization procedures are not followed before placing the implant.

Surgical Trauma: It could displace the implant while the bone is healing

However an implant that fails due to infection or trauma can be replaces by a new implant. Implants can remain for years if proper check ups with xrays are done with the dentist and good oral hygiene is maintained by the patient.


Teeth whitening, a simple way to a beautiful smile.

We all want to a have a beautiful smile which is whiter than white. With the advent of simple procedures which take much less time and give instant results there is no need to worry. All you need to do is to go to a dental professional and come back from the dental office with a sparkling smile.

For  heavily stained teeth first a dental scaling and polishing is done. This is a simple procedure where the dentist will remove the stains and the deposits also refered to as calculus from the tooth surface with an ultrasonic scaler in his office. Then there are two ways in which teeth can be bleached.

One way is a simple take home bleaching kit which is provided by the dentist. Here the dentist will first take an impression of your teeth and send it to the lab for getting a custom made tray of your teeth. Once this is done you can take away the tray and the bleaching kit. The duration for applying the gel on the teeth varies and is done according to the manufacturers direction. It gives good results over a long period of time.

The other way is chairside bleaching procedure done by the dentist. It is done in an hour or two. It does give better results than home bleaching because the content of peroxide (bleaching agent) is more concentrated in this. It needs to be done carefully. Here first a gel is applied on the gum line and allowed to set with hely of laser (ultraviolet light). Then the bleaching gel is applied on the teeth and is also made to set by applying the laser (ultraviolet radiation). Once the desired shade is achieved the protective gel is removed.

Does bleaching harm the teeth ?

Certain precautions need to be taken while bleaching the teeth. According to Dr Aman ,a leading cosmetic surgeon in max hospital ,New Delhi,patients with gingival recessionor very thin enamel should avoid this procedure is it will increase the sensitivity of the teeth. However a certain degree of sensitivity or a sharp pain after the procedure is experienced by the patients but it mostly subsides after 48 hours. It is always advisable to avoid hot and cold foods immediately after the procedure for a day or two. It is generally not recommended for children,pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Which are the best whitening systems used?

There are many whitening systems used nowadays like BriteSmile,zoom!,opalescence,pola office. The dentist will choose the best for you and each system has its own pros and cons.

Is bleaching an expensive procedure?

It is not really an expensive procedure. The cost of the treatment depends upon th credentials of the dentist,the state of the art clinic where the whitening is performed,the locality of the clinic the type of whitening system used.

How long does the bleaching last?

The bleaching lasts for about 2-3 years mostly. The life of bleached teeth also depends upon eating,smoking,drinking and brushing habits of the patient. The bleaching procedure can be repeated again.

So what are you waiting for? Head towards your dentist to get a million dollar smile!